Zandstra Doughbabies
My name is Kittie Zandstra
I make Doughbabies.  I make the best Doughbabies.  No one makes Doughbabies better than I make Doughbabies.  Buy my Doughbabies.  They are the best Doughbabies.  They are the only Doughbabies.  I want my Doughbabies to be your Doughbabies.  When you think Doughbabies, think Zandstra Doughbabies.
I go to many craft shows.  Look me up at a craft show near you.  You can rest assured that my Doughbabies are the best Doughbabies in the World.  I make The Best Doughbabies.  Neeener-Neeener-Neener!!  I'm rubber your glue, when you see my Doughbabies they will stick to you!